In the morning a cup of coffee
and through out the day.
Richer the beans the richer the coffee.
But even the richest coffee
you can still taste the bitterness.
But with unconditional love there is
nothing like it.
It's not too cold and not too hot
Leaves falling from tree to ground
Orange, Green, Yellow, Red all around
Trees naked, wind blowing
The smell of crisp leaves
School around the corner
Looks Like Fall To Me!
Guns Don't Kill People,
People Kill People.
Life Is Too Short.
Kids Are The Future,
The Parents Have 18 Years To Prepare Their Children.
Babies Didn't Ask To Be Born!
Parents do so much in front of their kids.
What these kids see is what they are going to do.
When a kid is brought up by an abusive family,
they think it's right to do,
There is 4 kinds of abuse:
Mental, Emotional, Verbal, and Physical.
Abuse is Abuse!
So Please STOP!!!
What comes around, goes around.
Karma is a b***h.
How you treat people is how you'll be treated.
Give respect get respect.
A wise, dear person told me:
"Image goes a short way. Character goes on forever."
If you do good things: GOOD things will happen in return.
If you only care about yourself, you'll only have yourself.
People LOVE The Things BAD For Them and HATE The Things GOOD For Them.
There are signs every were.
People just don't look.
If you only concentrate on one thing, your life will pass in a blink of an eye.
If you talk all day and never watch or listen how do you know what's happening?
Feel alone?
Feel your in the darkness?
Feel your left to survive for yourself?
Feel your going no were, so why try?
Feel no one understands you?
There's an empty hole.
Last breath, then you breath again.
Where am I?
How did I get here?
Why am I here?
How do I get out?
Feels like it's too late!
But I don't want it to be.
So now what do I do?
I scream,
But nothing comes out.
I run,
But I go no were.
I loss hope.
I've hit rock bottom.
But for some reason,
Have you ever been kicked to the side?
Stepped and trampled on?
Told that your worthless?
Get kicked when your down?
Then that someone says "Sorry" and every thing should be okay?
Well it's not!
You can Forgive and forget,
BUT sometimes there's too much to forgive!
Yes, you can forgive, of course!
But it is too HARD to forget!
If you think forgiveness is hard,
Then forgetting is even harder!
Then how you look at that person,
Will always be different!
September was a hard month.
September, 10 I had my first cheer-leading competition.
I had cheer-leading practice the night before the competition.
When I got out I went to the back, like I always did, mom and dad parked back there.
The doors were locked, and Ryan crying.
Then I started knocking on the window, and mom opened the door, crying on the phone.
Then hangs up.
I asked what's wrong, and she said "He left", when I asked why, Mom said, "Because I didn't make enough money today."
Well it wasn't like I wasn't expecting that.
Then told me to get Zach, he was coming out from football practice.
We were all in the car, Zach, Ryan, Mom, me and the fake baby from home ac class.
When we left, and going down the road we saw Dad walking.
We stopped and pulled over.
He walked up to the car, mom locked the door, he told her to f*** off and flipped her off.
Then mom drove off, and went down a street he would have to pass, going home or any where.
After 30 minutes we get a call.
Dad, was at the gas station.
Now there's only one way for him to get there, going across the street, obviously he got a ride.
So we drive to the gas station, but first go to the store and get smoothies.
And there he is stand next to the pay phone.
When we got there I told my mom not to get out of the car.
But dose any one listen to me? No!
So she got out.
He runs after her.(Going toward her hand, because the keys are in her hand.)
Shaking her hand, and her hole body was shaking like she's being electrocuted.
Then bashed her head into the hood of the car.
Then starts to walk away.
Mom gets up and then dad comes back.
Then grabs her, mom gets one good slap in the face to my dad!(YEA)
Then dad puts his foot behind her, and trips her were she's on the ground and has is fist ready.
If he punches her in the air, then her head can go some were.
But on the ground her head has no were to go.
And when he's mad, he's a zombie.
He won't stop hitting her till all his anger is gone.
I got my slushy and shot it at him before he could hit her. (I'm outside of the car)
He pushes me against the car, and I hit my head.
But it was enough time for mom to get up, that's all I cared about.
There was a circle of people.
Mom started running around the car and yelling "Call The Cops!", and dad started chasing after her.
That's when I jumped on his back, and started punching him in the back. ( I guess he had a dislocated disk in his back. Before this happened.)
Then some one yelled "The cops are coming!"
Then we all hoped in the car.
Mom went real slow, knowing what's she's doing.
So when we went down are street, we pulled over.
Dad said it was a only a verbal match.
But mom was crying so the cops wanted to talk to her alone.
Mom said what happened, well I think.
Then the cops wanted dad to step out of the car.
I guess they said they looked up, and there was still like a restraining order or something.
The Next Day
I failed my baby thing.
And I was nervous, that would mess up the cheer.
Then Greg Hoyt (social service) came to my school and asked what happened that night, and I told him.
Out Of School
Mom picked me up.
She got me a coffee and a donut, I knew something was up.
Then she told me that she wants me to apologize to dad for shooting off at the mouth to him.
We got in a big fight!!!
I told her "I'm Not Saying Anything!"
I guess he was out, and home.
I wanted my friend to come with me to the peach festival, so I apologized.
He didn't say anything, so that made my part easier.
My friend came with us we got 2nd place, then afterwards I slept over her house.
I am a pair of shoes in a store on sale,
People look at me in disgust,
Purple, Green, and Blue,
I am different from the rest,
I think to myself, "Why Oh Why Am I Different From The Rest"
Someone bought me,
Used me every day,
Walked all day,
And never came home and rubbed her feet.
-Desiree Prater-
I am a pair of shoes in a store,
Some one bought me,
Showed me off two times,
Then tossed me in the closet, Still new,
But never used.
-Desiree Prater-
I am a Rock on the ocean shore,
When I'm dry,
I'm Dull and Gray
When the ocean wave hits me,
I'm Pink, Purple, Blue, and Green too,
But if the sun hits just right,
I'm Yellow, Orange, and Red too,
People look and sigh,
Not in amazement,
But in shame,
They don't wait to see me change,
But only to see Dull and Gray,
-Desiree Prater-
I am the person who thinks outside the box. My brothers, I never had to take care of them, or be their mother. But I did.
One morning, Ryan (5 months) was sleeping, Zach ( 9 years old) was hungry for breakfast, Dad watching T.V. So I made breakfast, for me and Zach. Eggs and sausage patties.
Dad came out, when me and Zach was eating, with the dirty look. Jaw pushed out, eye brows pushed together, eyes big.
"What's wrong?" I asked curious.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" He shouted.
"With me?" I have know idea what he's talking about.
"You only make breakfast for you and Zach!"
"Yeah?" Still don't know what he's getting at.
"Where's mine?"
Wow, he heard me cooking out in the kitchen. Did he say anything? No. So I have to cook for him, Zach and me? No, Shouldn't it be the opposite? Dad cook for me and Zach.
"I didn't cook for you, you never said you wanted eggs and sausage, I said" If he asked I would have gotten him something. "I shouldn't have to ask, he said" You should just know! It's common sense!" Shouting at me, same look. "Your a grown man. You have 2 legs, and 2 arms." I had attitude. Who wouldn't? "For dinner I'm not making you any thing! "Taking out a pan, to make himself something. "That's fine, I know how to make dinner for myself." "Not like I haven't before" I whispered.
Zach and me were done, well Zach was. I wasn't hungry any more. I grabbed the dishes. All the last night dishes hadn't been done yet. So I started them.
After a minute.
"Your allowance is gone." He said smirking. I stop doing the dishes to look at him.
"If I'm not getting paid then I'm not cleaning!" I was furious. "Yes the hell you are, my roof my rules!" Mad and shouting again.
I walked away from the sink, and in the living room, and turned the channel from his station.
"You have 3 seconds to get back here and finish your chores. 1-2-3" I didn't move. He came in with a belt. I have a knee problem, were when I run, they get swollen and hurt. He hit me right across the knees! I ran to the back room crying. After ten minutes they were so swollen and puffy, they hurt so bad! He came in, I hid behind the couch.
"You're going to get your ass up, stop crying and go clean!" "I'm doing nothing. Give me the phone, I'm calling my mom!" I was so mad and full of hatred. "No! Clean and you get the phone." "NO!" I was not cleaning!
I went to my room and got dressed for the day. Then dad came in my room and stole the $40.00 I had saved up. That set me off! I came up with a plan. Leave from the back room, walk to the gas station, call mom, and have her come get me. I found some change I hid in my room. I think that's why now I hide every thing in my room! Went out the back door, then thought why would I get in more trouble? So I sat on the deck. 5 minutes later he came out looking for me. Then told me to get in the house. I needed the phone, so I did the chores.
When I called mom, she yelled at me to.
That was not fun!
When school started, my day would be:
Wake up at 5:30am,
Get ready,
Do chores,
Make bottles for my dad during the day.
Wake my mom up with coffee.
Get my little brothers ready.
Than have my mom take us to school.
In school, stupid drama, friends, I had to pass! Get out at 2:30. Dad got me, than my brother from school, my mom would be at work.
I would do my chores again, because they weren't good enough for Dad. I would do the Dishes, Sweep, Mop, clean the living room, my room and any other thing that had to be done! My brother didn't have to do any thing. Dad would eat lunch and breakfast so I had to do his dishes that he left in the sink and watch Ryan (5 months) at the same time. What did Dad do? Watch t.v. , and play video games. I would do the chores then my homework.
Dad felt fat so he made Zach (9 years old) join football, and me cheerleading. So we would go at 5:00-6:30. I was fat too(my opinion) so I was a base in cheerleading. Came home, go to bed.
Then Do It All Over Again!
My brother Ryan was born March 17, then in the hospital for the first 2 weeks of his life. When he was born, my mother had a C-Section, so when he screamed he tore his neumur-thorax.
Than about a month after. I took over. My mom said "You'll never change, feed or touch the baby until he becomes 1 years old."
Well that was a lie. Than in the summer I pretty much had a job. 5 days a week 7 hours a day I watched my little 4 month baby brother only at 12. On top of it all I also watched my 9 year old brother too. He was lazy. I had to cook and clean. I had no idea how to change a diaper, feed a baby, TAKE CARE OF ONE! 0 to 60 I went from not knowing anything to everything! That went on for the rest of the summer. I only got $20 a week. Not even a dollar an hour! Well.. what can I do!
I was practically my little brothers mom. Well I think it helped me!