Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To Do List When School Started

When school started, my day would be:
Wake up at 5:30am,
Get ready,
Do chores,
Make bottles for my dad during the day.
Wake my mom up with coffee.
Get my little brothers ready.
Than have my mom take us to school.

In school, stupid drama, friends, I had to pass! Get out at 2:30. Dad got me, than my brother from school, my mom would be at work.

I would do my chores again, because they weren't good enough for Dad. I would do the Dishes, Sweep, Mop, clean the living room, my room and any other thing that had to be done! My brother didn't have to do any thing. Dad would eat lunch and breakfast so I had to do his dishes that he left in the sink and watch Ryan (5 months) at the same time. What did Dad do? Watch t.v. , and play video games. I would do the chores then my homework.

Dad felt fat so he made Zach (9 years old) join football, and me cheerleading. So we would go at 5:00-6:30. I was fat too(my opinion) so I was a base in cheerleading. Came home, go to bed.
Then Do It All Over Again!

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